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Services run from 10:30-12:30 including sunday school for kids and youth. If you are new we would love the opportunity to get to know you. We are located in Selly Oak, Birmingham.

About Us

Gateway Oasis Church is a gospel-based community of Christ-followers that God is bringing together from across different background of life experiences, age groups and locations. Our sincere desire and pursuit is to know God deeply and to serve his purpose in our local area but also in our great and multi-cultural city. We aim to do this through a deliberate and sustained process of discipleship and joyful service to people that God brings into our daily life.


We aim to share highlights of our weekly sermons in order to help members and public to know about the Christian faith and God's plan for humanity.

The Problem of Evil and suffering

Why is there suffering? This question has been asked since the beginning of humanity. In the face of life's trials and tribulations, we turn to the source of ultimate hope and solace: Jesus Christ. As we contemplate the age-old question of why there is suffering, let us find inspiration in the enduring message of Christ's love and triumph over adversity.


Community is an essential part of who we are and what we do. Our daily lives demonstrate, in concrete ways, the love of God that is in our hearts. Some of the ways we do this are by providing care and support to those in need, reaching out to students (especially international students), and engaging with young people through various indoor and outdoor activities that will equip them with faith and skills for purposeful living.

Our community life also includes an annual retreat designed to build and to strengthen our community life. Members always look forward to this weekend away retreat. This event is subsidised in order to make it possible for everyone to attend. For now our favourite place to retreat is Cefn Lea Park in Wales.

During summer we organise special events like seminars and bbq and they are free to church members and to the public to attend